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Breda city for students

Student Associations

Even though Breda is not an “official” student city, there are several student associations, fraternities, and sororities. Attached to the academy of Hotel and Facility Management are S.A. Xenia and SV ‘t KAG.

At the InterSib you will definitely meet them, they will present themselves and will be out and about at the Warande. And you can hang out with the people of the associations, ask them questions and party with them.

A student association can spice up your student-life a bit and make things easier for you as you will get in contact with people from different years and ages. If you are not at all interested in student associations, fraternities or sororities, don’t worry. Breda has something to offer for all of us and we are sure you are going to love it here!!

Well.. this might give you an idea of what is waiting for you in Breda! If you have questions about anything, please send an e-mail! Remember; we are here to help you!

Going out in Breda

For us students there is something going on in Breda every day of the week. Nice places to go to as a student are; Café Dunne, Café de Kater, Café Walkabout, Peddels, Dependance, and Café Janssen. These are just some of the nice places the city has to offer for a nice drink or dancing!

Also, Breda has some nice places to eat out that meet our student budget! Some places we like to go to are; Suikerkist, Dependance, Bruxelles, De Markt, Popocateptl and proeflokaal Bregje. Again just a small selection of restaurants/cafes for a bite! You will find out soon enough whatever suits you best!

Living in Breda

Since you soon are going to start your studies in Breda, we imagine you want to move to Breda as well.
To help you find a room, you could use the following tips & tricks:

  1. Visit Facebook pages Zoektkamerinbreda and Kamer in Breda where lots of people post their room.
  2. Take a look at several websites such as Kamernet and BredaWonen
  3. Ask the members of the Student Associations for tips and tricks, since they are experiences searchers for homes.
  4. Ask one of your new friends made at the InterSib for housing tips.


Student Association Xenia

Welcome new student, or ‘Sibje’ as we like to call our first years. You will be starting a new chapter in your life, and our student association Xenia is here to make those years the best! S.A. Xenia was founded on May 30th 2002, by six students of NHTV Academy of Hotel management (now Breda University of Applied Sciences). ‘Xenia’ means ‘Friendship & Hospitality’ in Greek.

We are an innovative and creative association with two sororities, one mixed fraternity, and one fraternity. Our goal is to provide you with the best student life in Breda by parties, network possibilities, annual activities like the gala and the beer cantus, and so much more!

We are looking forward to meeting you at the InterSib! Already curious and cannot wait until the InterSib? You can find more information on our website or on our Facebook page.

Studenten Vereniging ‘t KAG

Studentenvereniging ’t Komt Allemaal Goed

Our student association is known as S.V. ’t KAG. We are a group of friends where everyone is welcome! The perks of our student association ’t KAG are that there are no obligations and no initiations involved. Every Tuesday Café de Kater is filled with beer obsessed KAGgers, so don’t hesitate to join us during on a Tuesday. This can give you the opportunity to get a feel for the atmosphere and to get to know us as well as to find out if S.V. ’t KAG is the association for you.

Besides the Tuesday nights, S.V. ‘t KAG also organizes many activities during the year. This will give you a chance to meet many of your fellow students. The annual activities are for example: a pub-crawl, bowling, a skitrip to ‘Dutchweek’ in Val Thorens, a BBQ and our KAG-weekend. Ofcourse we can’t forget the KAG theme parties and so much more!

We look forward to seeing you in Café de Kater on Tuesday, feel free to join our first parties of the year: Our Pub-crawl and the BBQ!

We are looking forward to meet you at the Intersib, and wish you the best time.

Have we peaked your interest about our student association? You can find more information on our website and our socials!

Blue kisses,
S.V. ‘t KAG

G.D. Egidius


G.D. Egidius is the oldest mixed fraternity of S.A. Xenia and the only mixed fraternity in Breda! “Because boys need girls and girls need boys” On Mondays, we gather at café Bruxelles to drink some ribbeltjes wit and Schrobbelèr. Would you like to meet us? Feel free to join!! Because what else would you do on a Monday?

Curious? Check out our Facebook or Instagram! If you would like to know more about student life or have any other questions, feel free to ask. We hope to see you soon in Café Bruxelles

Gij Zijt Gegroet,
Gemengd dispuut Egidius

Damesdispuut Vigeo

Damesdispuut Vigeo is the most pink sorority of Breda. We love a good drink, a good party, and spending time together.

Every Tuesday night you can find us in  Walkabout Café with a glass of rosé or a beer. Every Wednesday evening we are found in the Old Dutch as the ladies in pink, where we have te most amazing nights together with the fellow members of S.A. Xenia. 

Vigeo is a sorority without the old-fashioned hierarchy. The ladies of Vigeo are Young, Powerful and Full of Life!!

Come have a drink with us and we will cheers to another unforgettable night!!

Sorority NYX

Sorority NYX is the only international sorority (in Dutch ‘damesdispuut’) of Breda. Every Wednesday you can find us every in our home bar Studio Dependance for some beers and Flugel!

NYX stands for the Greek goddess of the night, and we are proud to carry that name and honour it by enriching the nightlife of Breda. We are a group of fun, spontaneous, enthusiastic girls that love to spend time with each other by going out and experiencing the student life in Breda. Whether it’s a lovely dinner with the girls, visiting parties and events in the city centre, Sorority NYX is always present!

Come and join us on Wednesday in our home bar Studio Dependance for some beers and a night full of memories!

Fraternity Palto

Having been founded on the 21st of March 2012, Fraternity Palto is the youngest of all the sororities and fraternities within Student Association Xenia. Nevertheless, we are the first international fraternity within the association and the BUas Academy of Hotel Management.

As Fraternity Palto, we have a mission to promote the highest standards of unity, internationalism and professionalism for our members. Additionally, we want to be of added value for Student Association Xenia in terms of support by helping on all fronts and creating a broader platform for its members and their interests. Academic performance is critical to us, and therefore we actively support each other with our studies while striving for ambitious goals.

If you are interested in getting to know us better or are just curious about our vision, you are welcome to send an e-mail to fraternitypalto@gmail.com or walk in at Café Janssen during one of our Thursday night drinks!

H.D. Heeren 69 – Prima Nocte


Titus Maccius Plautus, 250 – 184 v.Chr.

Founded in 2004 by 12 prominent gentlemen, our fraternity is all about style, respect and decency. We would like to contribute to the traditional student life in Breda by introducing students to our “Bourgondische” lifestyle. Interested? Don’t hesitate to approach any of the gentlemen dressed in black. Heeren69.nl


Damesdispuut Inana

Life is a journey, explore it! That is the spirit of Damesdispuut Inana. Our sorority is linked to BUas’ school of Hotel Management, which means professional development is one of our highest priorities. However, that doesn’t mean that we do not enjoy a cold beer at any moment of the day. On Tuesday nights, you will find our Purple Army in Feestcafé Peddels, dancing the night away. Are you interested in meeting our lovely ladies and experience a Burgundian evening? Don’t hesitate to come meet us at the InterSib or pay us a visit in Peddels!

Interested in meeting all these amazing people? Sign up now for the InterSib of 2024!